Shorebreak Movie Notes

  • What did Clark do before photography?
  • What do you like about his work?
  • What do you not like about his work?
  • What brand of camera does he use and how does he take it into the water?
  • Is this a career that you would consider, why/why not?

1. Surfing 
2. I like how he followed his passion and captures the photos to make it look unique. For example, the turtles looking like their holding hands looks unique. 
3. One thing i didn't like was I feel like his pictures are only in the ocean mostly. I think he should have more variety in his photographs. 
4. He uses a special tool stick that holds the camera in water
5. Yes, I've always had a passion for nature photography and really want to have my own business one day. I do have a business aside for portraits for birthdays/parties but nature photography is my main focus.
