
Showing posts from January, 2020

Shorebreak Movie Notes

What did Clark do before photography? What do you like about his work? What do you not like about his work? What brand of camera does he use and how does he take it into the water? Is this a career that you would consider, why/why not? 1. Surfing  2. I like how he followed his passion and captures the photos to make it look unique. For example, the turtles looking like their holding hands looks unique.  3. One thing i didn't like was I feel like his pictures are only in the ocean mostly. I think he should have more variety in his photographs.  4. He uses a special tool stick that holds the camera in water 5. Yes, I've always had a passion for nature photography and really want to have my own business one day. I do have a business aside for portraits for birthdays/parties but nature photography is my main focus.

Extra Credit- Shutter Speed Video

First thing to do when shooting manual mode is to turn dial to M Set shutter speed to 1/1250 Set aperture to 4.5 or closest number your lens allow Really important to have correct ISO number especially when taking outdoor sports pictures For shutter priority, first thing to do is turn mode dial to TV. If you set ISO to 800, this gives flexibility in shadow or bright sunlight to get correct exposure. Camera settings should have: auto white balance, exposure compensation, high speed shutter release, continiuos auto focus, metering mode, and auto focus mode

Big Motion Photographs


Action Photographer

1. 2. Does motion and landscapes photography. 3. He uses a  Sony a7rii, a7sii camera 4. I really like this picture because it creates a lot of color value and contrast. There's a lot going on in this image. This is a picture of a volcano with the clouds swirling around.  He used a Sony Alpha NEX-7 for this picture. 

20 slide animation


Ted Talk

What is storytelling according to Andrew Stanton? ​What does Stanton say your job is as a storyteller? What is one thing that Andrew says that you think can help you to create a good animation? 1. Storytelling is when you draw an image and create animation that means something big.  2. He says you want to make a story with a dialogue and no words, just action. "we want them to look for their meal" is what he says.  3. Draw the story, connecting with something from the past.