President Photographer Documentary

What type of photography does Pete Souza practice as the present's photographer?
White House Chief photographer

Who was the first president to have a photographer?
Lyndon Johnson

What did Nixon do to his photographer?

The President's photographer's office used to be the what?
White house barbershop

Where are most of the photographer's photographs displayed?
Photo gallery at the 

How long is the photographer's typical day?
All day, the photographer has to travel everywhere the president goes. 

Can Pete delete photos if he does not like them? Why/why not?

Would you want to be the President's Photographer? Why/why not?

No, because you wouldn't have much free time and always busy. You wouldn't have the time to sit back and relax in my opinion. It does sound like a cool job but it wouldn't be something I would want to do on a daily basis. Being a presidents photographer doesn't sound like an easy task for 4-8 years because you have to capture so many moments and events at the right time and if you don't capture the moments right like a blurry picture or if you weren't paying close attention, then the blame is basically on you. 
